Benefits of Groups
- Groups allow for social engagement of individuals
- Provides a space for education, discussion and insight
- Encourages increased level of physical and mental well-being as well as a level of independence
- A platform for individuals to share common goals and to provide support to one another
Seated Exercise Groups:
- Provides a safe level of physical engagement
- It promotes an increase intake of oxygen for mind and body
- Encourages joint mobility and muscle strengthening for functional tasks
- Beneficial for health and safety in terms of fall risk client and overall well being
Leisure and Crafts:
- Social engagement
- Cognitively stimulating
- Improves upper limb function
Cognitive Groups:
- Mental workout
- Focuses on various cognitive concerns such as:
- Visuospatial concerns
- Attention and concentration
- Memory and orientation
- Problem solving and planning
- Creates a space for increased mental well-being and independence in participating in daily life
For more information on the group classes we offer, you can contact us on – | 082 997 8697